How is Guangzhou Limon Leather bag manufacturing?
2023-10-14 17:01:30 Limon leatherbag 365How is Guangzhou Limon Leather bag manufacturing? Limon Leather bag is an OEM leatherbag manufacturing factory located in Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China,which is one of the global leather goods manufacturing hubs. Established in 2011, we specialize in mid-to-high-end bags and handbags, offering private customization services for domestic and international mid-to-high-end brands as well as niche brands. We accept small-scale customized orders and provide one-stop services for custom sample development, production, and export.
1.Collaboration Modes at Guangzhou Limon Leather Goods:
a.Labor and materials provided
b.Customization based on provided samples
c.Customization based on provided designs
d.Brand OEM processing and labeling
These are our collaboration modes. If you have any questions, please feel free to consult our customer service online or leave a message.
Note: Our factory, Guangzhou Limon Leather Goods, accepts small-scale customized orders. The minimum order quantity for a single style and color is only 50 pieces. We value mutual growth with our clients more than pursuing large profits because your brand's success is our greatest reward!
2.Advantages of Guangzhou Limon Leather bags:
a.Strict control over every step, from fabric, lining, hardware accessories to production and quality inspection, ensuring product quality.
b.Delivery time: 3-5 days for custom sampling, 7-15 days for bulk production.
c.We have our own independent pattern room with hundreds of styles available for modification or labeling.
d.Guangzhou Limon Leather bags specializes in producing bags using various materials such as genuine leather, PU, cowhide, sheepskin, crocodile leather, python skin, pearl fish skin, pony hair, silk, etc. We support customization based on provided samples or designs.
e.We accept custom orders for bags, small-batch production, and can provide samples if available or pictures if samples are not provided.
These are the details about How is Guangzhou Limon Leather bag manufacturing. We have a wide range of leather handbag styles available, and we welcome physical stores, online shops, live streamers, and influencers to visit our factory for inspection and collaboration. As long as there is a sufficient order quantity, our factory will fully cooperate with production.
Limon Leatherbag Co.,Ltd. · 12 Years OEM/ODM Manufacturer Of Leather Bags
8+types of leather bags, there is always one that suits you.
Tel/Wechat:+8618320418331Crossbody-bags OEM
Hobo-bags OEM/ODM
Clutch-bags OEM/ODM
Handbags OEM/ODM
Totes-bags OEM/ODM
Backpacks Bags OEM
Outdoor bags OEM/ODM
Wallets OEM/ODM
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Limon leatherbag Co.,Ltd. · 6 Company Advantages
Since 2011,We are OEM/ODM Manufacturer Of Leather Bags.-
- QualityWe strict quality control at every stage, from raw material to delivery.
- CustomizeCustomization base on customer requirements,leather bags in various styles.
- 12 YearsWe have 12 years of OEM/ODM experience in leather men's and women's bag.
- TeamOur professional team consists of a group of experienced and skilled craftsmen.
- ProductionHigh Daily Production,Our leatherbag OEM monthly production exceeds 50000.
- QualificationLimon Leatherbag OEM manufacturer with strong production,complete qualification.
Guangzhou Limon Factory+Leather bags gallery+Leather bags sample
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